The year 2020 is one that many of us are not likely to forget. It feels like we’ve learnt a new language, with words such as ‘lockdown’ ‘social distancing’ and of course, ‘COVID-19’ being used on a regular basis. We’ve also had the chance to take a step back and reassess what’s really important in life – and for many of us, top of the list would be family.
That’s what makes this Christmas all the more challenging… it’s not as easy to get into the festive spirit when you know that you’re not going to be able to get together with your loved ones. I know that this year is undoubtedly going to look a bit different, but there are still ways to feel close to your family throughout the festive season – all you need is a photograph (or two) proudly displayed on your wall to keep the holiday spirit alive.

You should never underestimate the power of a photo. Think of a photo in your home that evokes strong feelings and emotions when you look at it. Is it a picture taken on your wedding day? Perhaps it’s photo of your newborn just after they arrived home for the first time? Or maybe it’s a picture taken of your family on a special occasion? Whatever the image, the chances are you’ll be reminded of happy times, as well as all the people who mean the most to you in your life.

Displaying a picture of your loved ones in your home can act like a visual ‘memory box’. Every time you walk past, you’ll be reminded of the time it was taken, as well as the quality time spent with your family. A photoshoot should be more than ‘just’ the physical act of getting your photograph taken. It should also be an experience that you can look back on in years to come, acting as a visual reminder of years gone by.

Whilst the famous saying states that a picture is worth a thousand words, I say that every picture has the power to tell a story, and that’s what you’ll get when you book a photoshoot with me. I’m here to help you every step of the way. From planning your photoshoot to suit your specific needs to what clothing you should wear to picking your images, I offer the full photography experience. I’m on hand to tell your story and capture the essence of you and your family, helping you to create images to be treasured forever. So this Christmas, take a look around the photos in your home and remember that even if they can’t be by your side, your family is always with you.

Make 2021 the year you harness the power of the photograph. Send me a message to book yourself in for a photoshoot and get ready to make more memories with your family....looking at your family photographs brings back back those memories and times like they were yesterday.
Its only December 2020, but I'm now booking 2021 - the first week day session is February, the first weekend session is mid March....and I have bookings in the diary as far as May 2021!
Get in touch today and let me help you create a beautiful record of your family as they are ...right now. I cant wait to hear from you.
If you've landed on this page before any others, let me introduce myself...My name is Seona and I'm a newborn family photographer based in Glasgow. I shoot in my studio in Glasgow's west end, I'm at Maryhill Park, G20. I also shoot outdoor family sessions at the river and the local park if you like to get out and about.
You can also find out more about me and the services I offer on my Facebook and Instagram pages.