Can you take photographs of just the kids? answer is usually I can, but I prefer not to, and heres why....

I get so many enquiries about photography just for baby, or just for the kids...and every time I'll ask why...and its usually because parents dont want to be in the photographs, and I totally get that....feelings of having to loose weight ( which you dont) feelings of awkwardness (which I can promise you wont be there) having no idea what to wear..since having kids you've got a signature look of comfy casuals ( same mamma here too, but what to wear isnt light years away from comfy casuals). In my 15 years of being a photographer, I've met very few parents that were looking forward to being in the family photos. However, Take a minute to think about your own baby/childhood photos...dont you also love looking at your family from way back when too?....Not just the kids...look how amazing your mum and nana/gran looks...and arent you glad you are in that photograph with a child where you looking at them judging how they looked the whole time?...ofcourse not, they were perfect...and so are you.
Photographs are not just for you to have of your baby now, they are moments in time for your little one to look back on..and you!

I chose Seona to take photos of my daughter Ari and it was the best decision I've made. Seona made us both feel very comfortable in her home and the quality of the photos she took are exactly what I wanted. I could not be happier with the photos I chose and I cant stop looking at the frame hangining on my wall. If anyone is looking to get photos taken then they should get intouch with Seona, you wont regret it.
Sara, Ari's mum

I'm not the same mum now as I was when I had my first baby almost 15 years ago.....I have 3 kids and with each one I've changed a little. Looking back at photographs with my first baby, I see a young new mum, figuring things out daily, hoping I was getting it right. Again, when I see photos of myself with baby 2, and baby 3....again I see different versions of myself, growing in confidence as a mum and getting better at the life juggle.
My kids love seeing photographs of themselves then they were small, and that fact Im there too, but I look a little different...age doesn't come alone, that doesn't matter to my favourite people, and it doesnt matter to your family either...and for kids, seeing themselves with their family on the walls of their home gives them a feeling of being loved, and a sense of belonging, this is their family.
.....and with a little persuasion parents will also be included ……we can make deal, a compromise if you like......just let me take the photos…if you don’t like them, you don’t have to choose them…but GUESS WHAT….parents always love them, and are so surprised…. you’ll exist in photos with them, and that’s priceless.

Aswell as being your photographer, Im also your bespoke designer! I'll design beautiful piece of wall art options for your home, based on your spaces available, your home decor style. I have amazing software which will show you YOUR portraits in different styles, sizes and frame finishes for you to choose your favourites.
Family photography sessions are fun, informal session that take place at my Glasgow studio or I also shoot outdoors at various times of the year. Glasgow has some beautiful outdoor locations for summer and Autumn...and I have a fabulous Glencoe weekend planned for May this year....sooo excited about that one.
If you'd like more information or a friendly chat over the phone ...I have a 'no sales chat promise' head over to the contact page and get intouch!